Saturday, August 31, 2019

How To Write A Good Book Critique: Steps And Suggestions Essay

A book critique is a description, critical analysis, and an evaluation on the quality, meaning, and significance of a book, not a book report, retelling, or a summary, It should (1) focus on the book’s purpose, content, and authority, (2) include the reviewer’s reaction on the strengths and weaknesses of the theories, concepts, and content presented, (3) evaluate how well (in the opinion of the reviewer) the author has succeeded, and (4) present evidence to support this evaluation. Step 1: The first, and most important, – Read the book. Suggestion 1: When you read a book (for its educational value), take notes about it and formulate your thoughts as you go along. (You should be able to write most of your critique without looking back at the book. If you continually are paging through the book as you write, the result is likely to be a string of paraphrases taken from the book, rather than your own evaluation.) Suggestion 2: While reading the book don’t be afraid to consult outside resources (dictionary, the book’s cited references, etc.) for confirmation and/or clarification. Include these findings in your notes. Suggestion 3: Keep in mind that your assignment is to write a 4-page (max) BOOK CRITIQUE, a summary and analysis (not a review) of a particular book’s (author or authors) perspective on a selected topic, not a 20-page paper on the topic. Step 2: To begin writing your critique, start with a centered title in 14 pt New Times Roman Bold, followed by your name in 12 pt New Times Roman standard (not Bold). As an example: Summary and Critique of (main title of the book you read) Submitted by (your name) Step 3: Using the following format, identify the book you read. Author & Author. (year of publication). Complete title of book in italics. City of publication: Publisher’s name. Number of pages. As an example: Marvin E. Lusts. (1997). How to Be Great: Getting Ahead in a Humble Way. New York: Deficient Press, 1997. xvii, 234 pp. Step 4: Write the introductory paragraph (or two). Without using a heading, provide a contextual background (such as for whom the book is intended; what we know about the author; the â€Å"school of thought† represented by this author or work), a statement of the purpose of the book (what the author or editor is trying to accomplish), and the scope of the book (how much ground the author is trying to cover) – you must judge what background information will be helpful and/or necessary for understanding the nature/uniqueness of the book. Step 5: Following a left-aligned, 12 pt Bold New Times Roman heading Overview, write your summary of the book. Your summary should consist of a short, succinct â€Å"overview† of the contents (as opposed to a play-by-play summary of the book), identification of the main thesis or theses, a recap of the supporting argument/logic/rationale, description of the author’s assumptions, and note-worthy statements/wordings/quotations from the book. Suggestion 4: Don’t plagiarize from the publisher’s, reviewer’s, or book seller’s reviews/summaries. They are trying to promote the book, you want to objectively describe the content. Suggestion 5: When you quote from the book that you are discussing, put the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence. As an example: The author concludes that â€Å"size does matter, as all the truly great leaders were exceptionally short people† (p. 79). Step 6: Following a left-aligned, 12 pt Bold New Times Roman heading Analysis and Reaction, write your analysis and reaction. For your analysis, objectively evaluate the book for relevance and importance to the selected topic; accuracy, thoroughness, and usefulness, and the author’s objectivity (is the book based on research or personal opinion?) Show whether the author’s main arguments are logically rational (based on testable, factual evidence), logically irrational (based on un-testable espoused theory and rhetoric), or illogical (based on emotional opinion). Comment on parts of particular interest, and point out anything that seems to give the book literary merit. Additionally, relate the book to larger issues. Identify specific issues the book raises and the possibilities the book suggests to you? Suggestion 6: Be careful not to criticize an author just because he/she did not write the book that you would have wanted, or because their position is based on a belief that is diametrically opposed to your personal beliefs (for example, the author belongs to one political party and you belong to another). Only judge a book according to the author’s stated (or blatantly implied) intentions. For your reaction to the book, respond to the author’s arguments/opinions. What do you agree or disagree with, and why. What specific points are not convincing, and what has the author omitted or what problems were left unsolved. Support your argument for or against the author’s opinions with evidence (research findings or by bringing in other authors you agree with). Suggestion 7: When you quote or introduce supporting evidence from other books/authors identify the source by putting the author’s last name, year, and page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence. As an example: However, the research has clearly shown that there is no correlation between genetics and leadership effectiveness (Sommebodi, 2001, p. 79). Step 7: Following a left-aligned, 12 pt Bold New Times Roman heading Summary write a summary paragraph (or two). Close with a comment on the overall significance of this work (is it a valuable piece, a useful piece with some minor problems, or a waste of the trees), briefly restate your main points, and comment on whether or not you would recommend this book to others, and why.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Language Arts Lesson Essay

Allyssa Satin Capucilli’s Biscuit and the Nest (2008) which is part of the Biscuit Phonics Fun series will be used in this lesson to teach Language Arts to Grade 1 level students. This lesson aims to meet the Sunshine State Standards which are to make students: (1) identify the sounds of vowels in printed words; (2) apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words quickly and accurately in isolation and in context; (3) retell the main events and identify the characters and setting in a story; (4) edit for correct use of common spelling patterns and conventional spelling of high frequency words and for correct use of capital letters for the pronoun I and proper nouns; and (5) communicate effectively when relating experiences or retelling stories heard or read. After the teacher reads aloud the story to the class, the students will perform the succeeding activities. First, students will be paired off and each pair will complete a story frame which goes this way. The story takes place in ________. A character in the story is ________who ________Another character in the story is ________who ________. A problem occurs when ________. After that, ________and ________. The problem is solved when ________. The story ends with ________. Second, the students will complete a Word Sort. They will get and divide a sheet of paper into two columns. At the top of the first column, they write â€Å"vowel sound /e/† and at the second column, â€Å"not vowel sound /e/†. Then, students select words from the story and write these in the columns. Third, students will accomplish a Picture Match. They are to read the words below the picture and tell whether it is a pen or a pin, mien or men, leg or league, nit or net, rid or red, tin or ten, etc. Fourth, students will describe their pet or a pet they would like to have (if they do not have one yet) in writing. They need to write 3 to 5 sentences. Lastly, they will individually narrate to the class a story of their own pet or someone else’s pet. The students will be assessed through the following assessment tools: (1) Students’ writing development will be assessed through their use of capitalization and use of appropriate punctuation marks in their written output in the first and fourth activity. (2) Students’ grammar skills are evaluated when they are able to correctly write the correct setting, character, or event in the story frame and when they properly use subject-verb agreement in their descriptions in the fourth activity as well as in their stories in the last activity. (3) Students’ spelling skills will be assessed through a written spelling assessment to be given after the second and third activity. The teacher will read aloud ten words with the short vowel sound /e/ and ask the students to write them on a piece of paper. Another way to assess their spelling skills is through their written stories in the fourth activity. The spelling pattern that the students will be taught in relation to the story is the short vowel sound /e/. Word examples of the short vowel sound /e/ are egg, fell, nest, get, help, etc. Throughout the activities, the students will use three cueing systems in order to arrive at comprehension. These cueing systems are semantic, syntactic and graphophonic systems. The semantic system refers to language features that bring about meanings to the reader. This is used in the classroom to make students know and understand the correct meaning of a word. The syntactic system includes the interrelationship of the words in a sentence and the sentences in a text. When students are able to complete the story frame activity, they use the syntactic system. The graphophonic system includes the spelling and sound structure of the language and the relationship of these two. This will be taught to the students by demonstrating how words are pronounced based on their spelling or word patterns. References Capucilli, A. S. & Schories, P. (2008). I Can Read! Phonics: Biscuit and the Nest. New York: Harper Collins. Florida Center for Instructional Technology. (2009). Florida K-12 Reading and Language Arts Standards. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from http://etc. usf. edu/flstandards/la/new-pdfs/elp-1. pdf.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

American Beyond the Color Line

n | American Beyond the Color Line| | | Lashekia Stanley| 3/7/2013| | Marlon Marshall in my opinion wasn’t serious about the juvenile program. You can tell that he really loved what he do as in selling drugs. Marlon loved how much money that was coming in everyday; he isn’t ready to give up that kind of lifestyle just yet. He basically states that he’s still selling drugs while he’s in the juvenile program.I think he wants to do better in life, but the only thing he knows is what he grew up around. Once he returns home he cannot violate any of his probation meaning: Getting arrested for a new offense while on probation. Failure to pay your fines, failure to perform or complete community service as instructed, failure to appear in court to show progress the probationer made on probation. ailure to submit paperwork to court, failure to report to probation officer as scheduled, failure to pay probation fees to the probation department, failure to submit drug test, failure to submit to search and seizure by police officers of your home or vehicle. If he fail or violate any of his probation, the court may extend his probation, charge added probation terms, he will have to serve a brief time in jail, or revoke his probation altogether and require you to serve out any remaining time of his beginning sentence in prison.As far as Marlon future his goals was to go to college and enter the Police Academy. At the rate he is going his future won’t be so bright if he’s going to continue to sell drugs. To become a police officer you cannot have any kind of misdemeanor or felonies on your record. To better his future, I hope he change, have a turn around, become successful, and reach his goals. Resource Thomson, R. (2012). Probation violation. Retrieved from http://criminal. findlaw. com/criminal-charges/probation-violation. html

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Credit risk management of CDSs, case from AIG Essay

Credit risk management of CDSs, case from AIG - Essay Example In regard to the bailout, AIG was presented with access to a $85 billion credit facility. In exchange, the United States government was presented with warrants for a 79.9% equity stake in AIG and the power to expel dividend payments to shareholders. AIG’s misfortunes started in a unit known as AIG Financial Products, which traded in credit default swap (CDS). A CDS acts as a safeguard against a default on assets that are connected to corporate debt and mortgage securities. The losses to AIG’s portfolio of CDSs were prompted by the disintegration of the subprime mortgage1 market. A groundbreaking amount of defaults by subprime borrowers with adjustable rate mortgages initiated the current catastrophe in the global financial markets in 2008. Most of these began in 2005 and 2006 when lenders remarkably loosened up on underwriting standards. Figure 4.2: Subprime mortgage originations Source: Bradford (2008) ‘The Subprime Mortgage Meltdown, the Global CreditCrisis and the D&O Market.’ Advisen : Productivity&insight for insurance professionals. The assumption was that homeowners would refinance prior to the monthly payments being readjusted, but decreasing real estate prices made it inaccessible for the majority of subprime borrowers who had hardly any or no equity in their houses to refinance. As they were incapable of paying the increased monthly payments, many borrowers had no choice but to default. Defaults in U.S. mortgages rose beyond record levels in the second quarter of 2007, and the fallout rapidly expanded all through the financial markets. The subprime mortgage debacle immediately brought forth the worldwide credit crisis. AIG is one of the financial institutions with credit default swaps business that was also affected during these circumstances. From then on, many CDSs were sold as insurance to cover those exotic financial instruments that created and spread the subprime housing crisis. As those mortgage-backed securities2 and collateralized debt obligations3 became more or less valueless, abruptly that reputedly low risk event saw an actual bond default occurring on a daily basis. AIG sold CDSs were no longer taking in free cash. It had to pay out a large amount of money. The crisis at AIG is a â€Å"question of liquidity, not of capital†, according to ROB Schimek, EVP and CFO of AIG Property Casualty Group. Despite the fact that there have been a small amount of losses paid under the CDSs, contract provisions demand of AIG to post collateral in cash if the value of the assets underlying a CDS declines. At the parent level, AIG has approximately $80 billion in shareholder equity, though the majority of that is secured in the company’s insurance operations and cannot be converted to meet the collateral calls of the financial products unit. Since it did not have enough cash to meet the collateral demands, the company faced a liquidity crisis and bankruptcy protection. 4.3 What AIG actual did leaded the company go down 4.3.1 The undoing of AIG liquidity crisis AIG reported â€Å"an unrealized market valuation loss of $11.5 billion on [the] super senior credit default swap (CDS) portfolio† held by its subsidiary, AIG Financial Products in the annual report for 2007. The definition of CDSs was discussed in chapter 2.2. This initiated a drastic downfall and ended AIG’

Report Toys4U Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Report Toys4U Ltd - Essay Example The legal implications are the following: On March 3, 2010 eight Polaris toy missiles arrived at toys4u from the supplier instead of the 10 because it was claimed that the two other were damaged during handling by the fork lift, and the other one was clearly badly broken due to transporting. The redundancy of broken toys from one delivery should have alarmed Toys4u that the whole stock might be defective; however instead of being careful and cautious the retailer went on disposing the product. Toys4U has been negligent to put first the safety of their clients. Mrs. Sharma can make her legal claims against the toy retailer for negligence. However, in the absence of proof that there has been neglect, Mrs. Sharma just the same can make a claim for the injury her son Pritam has suffered. Mrs. Sharma can also make a claim for a damage property under the same Act. These can be done even without proving the negligence of the producer as long as they can prove that the injury and the damage are direct result of using the product (P roduct Liability, Defective Products, Unsafe Products Quick Facts 2007). The Polaris missile that was sold to Mrs. Sharma was clearly defective and therefore can be categorized as ‘unsafe product’. An unsafe product means in general something that the consumer does not expect from what she or he bought. When a consumer buy a product there is a general assumption that the product is safe for use. In the event that accidents like that of what took place at the house of Mrs. Sharma, there is provision in the law. Consumer Protection Act 1987 made a strict and clear liability concerning damage that is a result of a defective product. Damage means death, or injury; or loss or damage to a property including land (Derbyshire County Council Trading Standard Service 2010, p.1). The Act entitled Mrs. Sharma to a legal claim for the injury suffered by her son and for the glass ceiling lamp

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Short Story Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short Story Outline - Essay Example Larry embodies a value system that is contrary to John’s. While John has recently moved to the town, Larry is well established. While John is socially naà ¯ve, Larry is experienced and at ease. The final character is Chuck. Like Larry, Chuck is partially an antagonist. While John and Larry function as foils in the story, Chuck represents a sort of furthered extreme in terms of antagonism. Chuck’s only relation to school is that he arrives in the morning. He is established in the town, but people have a general sense of unease about his actions. While Larry is cynical, Chuck has almost entirely given-up. The main characters relate in interesting contexts. While they share different classes, John becomes interested in their perspective and actions. Eventually during lunchtime, the three characters interact. The main conflict becomes John’s challenging of his own life paradigm. Larry and Chuck exemplify a perspective on the world that is contrary to John’s straight-laced approach. Eventually, John becomes discontent with his perspective and resolves this discontent through an encounter with Larry and Chuck. There is a complex theme and meaning to the story. In these regards, the story explores the nature of meaning in the lives of the characters. In addition, the story is a coming-of-age tale where the main protagonist sheds previous conceptions of existence for a more real-world perspective. The story follows John’s life moving to a new town, succeeding in school, and struggling to make new friends. It witnesses as John slowly becomes discontent with this perspective and this discontentment leads him to make friends with two cynical students – Larry and Chuck. After establishing this friendship, John agrees to skip class with them and go into an area behind the school. The three of them are then arrested for trespassing. The setting is fairly small. It occurs in areas throughout the school, including classrooms, the hallway, and the lunchroom. It

Monday, August 26, 2019

Public Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Public Policy - Essay Example ulted to the enactment of the Marijuana tax act, and later the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 that contained CSA establishing the ban for marijuana use, not even for medical reasons. In the late 1990s, states began legalizing marijuana use for medical purposes, which challenged the congress to develop other accommodating laws over the issue of medical marijuana. The last one decade has been a struggle, with every amendment being rejected, at most five times in the Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment (2003-2007) of the federal drug enforcement administration (DEA). Towards the end of the decade, some light has been shed for marijuana use through the approved reforms, showing a congress relaxation trend towards medical marijuana. Marijuana has been known as a pain reliever for intensively suffering patients, but the use has raised so much controversy in the public and occupational domains, due to issues of legitimacy and morality in the society. According to historical records, the cannabis sativa plant (marijuana) has been used for healing purposes, for a wide range of ailments more than 2000 years ago, within America and beyond its boundaries. People could grow and use marijuana under the legal federal and state laws in America between the 18th century and early 1930s, from which it declined following the development of other alternative drugs (aspirin, morphine, and opium derived medication) in pain treatment (Eddy, 2010, p. 1). However, even after the congress and legal federal law classified marijuana as an unsafe drug, medical practitioners have held its benefits that are high in pain treatment, leading to several states having to legalize marijuana only for medical purposes. Initially, state of California was the first to legalize its use, from which others followed bravely. Although there are cases of illegal users of the drug taking advantage of the medical marijuana law, the patients with conditions or symptoms such as chronic pain, cancer,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Schizophrenia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Schizophrenia - Essay Example Several people who suffer from schizophrenia are not always violent and they do not cause harm to others. The disease is not associated with childhood experiences or inadequate parental guidance and the signs and symptoms  differ  from one person  to another (Swerdlow, 2010). The primary cause of schizophrenia is not very precise, and multiple factors have been associated to predispose and cause the disease. Several scientists have associated schizophrenia with genetics as the main cause since it runs in the familial tree and that an individual inherits the disease. Similarly, schizophrenia has been identified to develop when an individual’s body undergoes several hormonal and physical changes, for example during puberty in adolescents. The disease may as well be triggered by some environmental factors such as infections by virus or when an individual is in a highly stressful situation. Chemical imbalance in the brain is another major cause of schizophrenia, whereby serotonin and dopamine fail to be in optimal levels. These chemicals (neurotransmitters) have a major function of allowing the nerve cells in the brain to send a signal to other parts. An imbalance of these neurotransmitters affects an individual’s brain reaction to stimuli. Thi s provides an explanation why an individual with schizophrenia occasionally gets overwhelmed by some sensory stimuli such as loud music or dazzling lights, which normal individuals easily handle (Roder & Medalia, 2010). There are no specific signs and symptoms of schizophrenia and they differ from one person to another. The symptoms  can  slowly develop  over an extended period, sometimes several months to years and occasionally they may abruptly appear. In some cases, the disease may be on and off or persist continuously. Some of the symptoms include: hallucinations; where an individual feel or see things that are not real, an individual feels that he/she is always being watched, strange speaking of words,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Anlysising the hole in the wall story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Anlysising the hole in the wall story - Essay Example This meant that the husband would take a break from his university lecturing job so as to relocate (Barrett 4). What depressed mostly falls under the state at which they lived in Brooklyn. The state portrayed the â€Å"living in the projects†. This meant that some appliances were not in proper shape, no hot water and no means to prepare meals; hence they showered in public pools and ate at local restaurants. They had no television, no mail boxes; no telephone lines; no lightings in the restroom and many thousand other things. A remorseful trickle of power flowed through an orange annex cord linked from a neighboring house (Barrett 7). At the stroke of eight, each morning, the diverse people came and started working loudly everywhere immediately. In conclusion, the significance of the hole in the wall portrays itself where the house had a large hole that the industry next to it could be seen clearly through the hole when seated in the house. This was a sign of abject poverty as the house that had a hole was next to an industry, the aspect of poverty was so severe that the industry and all activities that were conducted in it could be seen as one sat in the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Personal Audit & Development Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Personal Audit & Development Plan - Assignment Example Dear Mr. Cudjoe, I came into contact with your company’s advertisement for a Marketing Executive in the Nigerian Yellow Pages and given my in-depth academic and professional knowledge in market management, I was prompted to apply. I have provided a full list of all relevant experiences and skills gained through my years of academic and professional life. Through these years, I have gained superior competence in areas of analytical thinking, market research, customer relations, cross-cultural integration, creative thinking skills, manipulation of situations to finding lasting solutions, data handling skills and ability to use a variety of computer programmes and software. What I find particularly interesting in this job is that it meets my very professional aspirations and objectives of taking up a market management position at a top multinational company and I am hopeful this is the time to exhibit what unique qualities I have to offer. Such a highly competitive position would therefore help in bringing out the best in me as a person. Over the past years, I have proven myself to be an excellent executor of duties, especially those that focus on the growth of a group and I am sure it is time to expand my expertise to this new group, which is your esteemed company. As a creative thinker, I shall bring to the fore of the company competitive creative thinking skills that is directed at finding alternative solutions to problems and applying the very best of interventions to solving problems.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Interpreting the Phenomenology of Husserl Essay Example for Free

Interpreting the Phenomenology of Husserl Essay Phenomenology, at its very root had tried to provide us an alternative view, perspective and a method in acknowledging and knowing things. At the very core, Phenomenology tried to contrast the scientific disciplines and all other attempts that fell short in providing us a clear and concise knowledge of things. As stated in Husserl’s statement, â€Å"I exclude all sciences relating to this natural world no matter how firmly they stand†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Phenomenology is aiming for a new set of method aside from those introduced by sciences and even philosophy in knowing the things and concepts of the outside world. For this to be accomplished, Husserl and many other phenomenologists had tried to exclude the methods of science in their own methods. As stated, â€Å"†¦as it is presented in one of those sciences as a truth about actualities of this world. I must not accept such a proposition. † On this note, sciences are known for their sensual, (perception, auditory etc. ) inductive/deductive and generalizing tendencies of reasoning. Phenomenologists like Husserl undermine these kinds of method in discovering and knowing the objects of the world. Rather than using mere senses, rules of logic and generalization in describing the things and objects of the world, Phenomenologists had embraced a systematic subjective and relative approach in knowing the things and concepts of the world. Husserl argued that things and objects reveal themselves to us. Their characteristics and definitions can be revealed and known to us by experiencing them at its very core. The experience that they are talking about is a rich kind of experience that range from perception, cognition, volition etc. We can know things by experiencing them by their own and there is no need for us to ascribe and subscribe to the classic methods of production of knowledge like those we stated above. The phenomenologists embrace a very clear air of ‘non-judgmentalism’. They make sure that knowing and defining a particular object is not a result of a bias that is influenced by other experiences. The most important thing is to experience each thing by them alone. For Husserl, possessing such kind of mindset will enable the things and objects to reveal their selves to us for us to know and understand them. With this set of statement of Husserl, we can see and feel a great resentment of the classic and conventional way of knowing and defining things. The usual way of producing knowledge had produce numerous shortfalls and shortcomings that convinced Phenomenologists like Husserl to look back and pick their selves from scratch and start a new method that will really able to capture the definition and structure of things. This method of knowing had provided a new life and put back the importance to the subjective person who experiences the things and objects first hand rather than learning or reading it from someone else. Phenomenology of Husserl is a wave and school of thought in philosophy that attempted to rebuild the human experience and make it experience again in the very first place. Though sciences had produced us numerous innovations, we cannot simply deny its shortcomings. In this respect, this statement of Husserl is an attempt to go back there and know things as they are, as they reveals their selves to us. List of References Welton, Donn (1999) The Essential Husserl: Basic Writings in Transcendental Phenomenology. Indiana University Press [21 August 2010]

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Do the right thing by Spike Lee Essay Example for Free

Do the right thing by Spike Lee Essay I dearly love the film and maintain that its one of the great pictures from the last 10 years. I dont know what the director of this movie (Spike Lee) intended the moral to be, but my take on the film has always been that NO ONE does the right thing, and this is the cautionary element of the movie. The racial message about racial injustice is very deep and one that every race should see. The climax of the movie is very powerful and deep. The heat is blazing, tensions are running high (especially racial ones), and under this kind of pressure no one behaves according to common courtesy and decency. The entire film is a chain of uncontrolled outbursts of anger that lead to everyones misery. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability could be wrong, so is the belief that a particular race is superior to others. Anyone can have a belief like that black, white, whatever. I am not about to buy into this rhetoric that any race shoulders 100% of the blame for racism in America today. Indeed, but racism is a belief, not an action. Sociologists clearly delineate between prejudices and acts of discrimination. One can be racist (prejudice) and not act on it (discriminate). By the same token, one can discriminate against others and not hold racist beliefs (prejudice). There is simply no way, short of telepathy, to determine if anyone is truly racist. One can easily assume that Adolf Hitler was a racist based on his writings and horrific actions, but there is absolutely no way to know for sure that Hitler *truly* hated Jews or simply used the hatred of Jews as a convenient means to attain power. Anyway, those in a position of power have more opportunities to act discriminatorily than those without, but I see no evidence to suggest that The Powers That Be are more *likely* to engage in such behaviors. As such, a discriminatory action by a powerless person can be more effective than the lack of such an action by someone in power. Riots are NEVER true result of racism, but rather the violent, destructive impulses of citizens with no faith in the justice system to take matters into their own hands. They are simply an opportunity for a misguided youth, unsupervised or uninstructed on issued of morality, to appease their violent appetites by destroying the livelihood of someone who is not exactly like  them. In every major example of the last 40 years in US, the violent rioters were not good citizens who felt pushed to the breaking point by some act of injustice, but degenerates whose prejudices against anyone with more money than they found an excuse in the politicized racial arguments to act out what they never truly cared to know was wrong (Heath Petraitis, 1987). The only result of a race riot is hatred, looting, and murder. It is not the answer to anything, and should never be treated as such. It is an insult to the millions of black citizens who seek to live their lives as normal, peaceful, law-abiding citizens of the United States to associate them with the few degenerate thieves and murderers who commit race riots (Singer Singer, 1986). Thats why Do the Right Thing has always touched its viewers. The ending turns a decent, fine comedy-drama into a vessel for class and race related hatred. I do believe in violence as a last measure to protect ones self, or their personal freedoms, or in the case of a moral war. Just look at my signature closing line. I do not in any way believe that the situation in Do the Right Thing presents a need for violence. It is merely a bunch of tempered people retaliating against the brutality of the police by burning an innocent mans pizza shop down, apparently only because he was a white business owner. That is sad. I think, really, this films central theme if there really is one is the path black men in America today face as inspired by their most prominent leaders. Radio Rahiem is easily the wisest in the entire film as hes aware of the dichotomy and thus tries to balance his existence under both directions fight the power constantly playing takes on an entire new meaning here as the film doesnt really know what the power is that PE wants us to fight. Rahiem knows though, its the self. Pretty amazing imagery. But on the other hand, he rarely speaks but instead relies on his radio to speak for him. Likewise, he doesnt understand his own rhetoric on the nature of love and hate. That made him as racist as any other character in the film, with the possible but unlikely exception of smiley, and brings his own death on himself. I wondered what would be the cops reactions if racial positions had been  reversed (ie a black mans pizzeria, a white man accidentally killed after basically making a complete, hostile mess of himself, then resisting arrest etc) Would a white cops strangle a white man to death? Thats where racial issues arise. I was upset at the death of radio Rahiem, but just couldnt escape the fact that he had brought it on himself. No one deserves to die like that. But if he had avoided escalating a completely unnecessary confrontation by assaulting Sal, he wouldnt have died. He was responsible for his own death, just as Sal was responsible for the destruction of the pizzeria (very nearly his own death) when he destroyed Rahiems radio. Radio Raheem was pissed off, his whole existence was that radio. Sure he physically assaulted him, but he didnt say anything like, Ill kill you. Maybe if Radio said in an earlier scene Man Im gonna kill that irk bastard etc. Id be more apt to agree that Radio Rahiem intent was to kill Sal. Technically Sal brought the destruction of the pizzeria on himself too, by (through the chain of events) not putting up pictures of brothers on the walls; but it is his pizzeria and he was within his rights to do so. He yelled racist epithets which is a direct act of aggression and smashed someones property to pieces. Instead of destroying someones property, he should have called the police to escort Buggin out and Radio Rahim. Radio Rahiem was NOT within his rights when he entered the store and refused to turn his radio down. Of course Sal and Radio Rahiem are both racists, everyone in the film is. No one did the right thing in the end, but the unfortunate fact is that, in the final encounter with Radio Rahiem, Sal was just a little more right than Radio Rahiem. Imagine Radio Rahiem and Sal were both black (or white.) Imagine the ultimate reasons behind the clash were not racially based. Radio Rahiem is the aggressor, and because of this, ultimately audience sympathy would lie with Sal. Radio Raheem and Buggin Out were trying to bully an innocent business owner. It was Sals restaurant, if they did not like his regulations than they could leave, but he was entirely within his rights to demand for them to either leave or turn off the music. He certainly gave fair warning, and he never ever tried to physically harm anyone until Radios attack. While it is  unfortunate Radio died, he simply was not worth the destruction that was carried out in his name. I also find it mystifying that Mookie, supposedly the levelheaded character in the movie, was so superficial that he blamed Sal for Radios death. I cannot reconcile myself with the notion that Mookie throwing the trash can through the pizzeria window was even remotely doing the right thing. I sympathize a lot with Sal, but I also sympathize with Mookie. Sal also cared a lot about the black in Bastury, and was genuinely hurt when some of them turned against him. I will vehemently argue that Sals character is not racist; he drops an n-word at the end, but the man is watching his lifes work being torched by arson at the hands of a group of African-Americans; his outburst is understandable and forgivable. Vito, Lees Sister, and the baby are as decent as people could be. Da Mayor is a good man who has made mistakes but is trying to change so at this point hes a good man trying to be a better man. He does drink too many beers with little money, though. One thing that always confused me about this film (although its one of my favorites) is why Mother Sister painfully screams noooo, when only a few minutes beforehand, she was right with the crowd yelling burn it! burn it! it seems like a bit of a flaw to me, but I could be wrong. My guess is the Burn it down Burn it down is with respect to the pizzeria. The noooo is with respect to radio Rahiems death. Lets assume that the film is about the cyclical nature of violence. Does Spike Lee( the director) think that all violence is bad or only certain violence is? After reading Martin Luther Kings quote I thought it was all violence; after reading Malcolm Xs quote I got the message that some violence is ok. I know that Blacks have been prejudiced against for a long time, but I dont see how violence ever solved their problem. It seems to me that Martin Luther Kings non-violence approach ultimately did much more to further equality than Malcolm Xs approach of violence-sometimes-needed approac h. The cops didnt necessarily care for Sal or anyone there. They didnt kill Rahiem because they wanted revenge. They did a right think by choking Rahiem, but they should have weakened him enough to handcuff him and then have thrown him in the police car. I doubt either Clubbing or strangling  will ever equate to, to use your words, holding him in place until he calmed down. I doubt those are the only options law enforcement officers have. They shouldnt have killed him. It was an extreme use of force pure and simple. The key being that if as you say they were trying to prevent Sal from being chocked by a criminal than why didnt they release their choke hold on Radio Rahiem after he had let go of Sal? They kept choking him long after he was a threat to anyone and it was obvious he himself was being choked to death. Why did they not throw him to the ground at that time and handcuff him? They didnt even try. In the film, Da Mayor says you gotta Do The Right Thing. Rahiem does not because he wont respect Sals wishes to turn off or turn down the radio (Also didnt respect Sals decision to represent only his culture in the pizzeria). Bugging Out is just a racist who knows nothing and wants to pretend to have a calling so he rides in on Radios coattails. Rahiem did the wrong thing and Sal did nothing wrong until he uttered the N-word. I dont think Sal meant it in that way. He was angry so he exploited a characteristic of Radios boom box. The people were angry at Sal for saying the n-word but they didnt go against Sal. They got confused and yelled. Then the police came in and everything went up in flames. Obviously, a spark leads to a fire. The spark: The police killing Rahiem. The Fire: The mob. It was understandable for there to be a riot and it was understandable that they got angry at white men in general because they are black people and they live in an ugly area. But just because its understandable, doesnt mean its right. The name of the movie is Do The Right Thing. And to be honest, even though thats very straight and very literal, towards the end it becomes ironic. The moment that they could do the right thing, they did the worst thing of them all. And that riot could have been right but it went wrong. Their anger went in the wrong direction. Things just happen. Sals pizzeria going down in flames is symbolic of the fact that people just destroy each other. And in the end, the face of the oppressor (The white man) is thrown on every white body and someone with the face of the oppressor is oppressed. Well, theres a line (Not from this movie) that goes You become the monster so the monster will not break you. You become what you terrify you. And in  this case, the oppressed (The black community) gets so fed up (Throughout the entire movie, there is talk of there recently being a police brutality situation involving black civilians being killed) with being oppressed that they become what they hate and they oppress someone else: Someone whos been more of a family member to them then most of their families has a different face than they do. He has the face of the monster, and they dont like past skin deep and treat him the way they should treat the people who do oppress them. And its painful and we dont know what to think. Im the least racist person in the world and Im also the person who is more annoyed than anyone with jokes being allowed to be made about white people and not about black people. I dont like going to the park and having some guy say, White boy, dont want none of this. It irritates me because I want plenty. Sometimes it gets so hard to hear all the unfairness and listen to a persons lack of understanding for another. This film is just a day. Its the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can do something, or you can Do The Right Thing. You can. So do it.

Essay on theories and models of health promotion

Essay on theories and models of health promotion The word health came from the old English word for heal (hael) which means whole, indicating that health concerns the whole person and their integrity, soundness, or well-being (Crafter 1997). Health can be defined as a state of well-being, interpreted by the World Health Organisation as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). Health promotion (HP) is the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. HP is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capacities. WHO (1984) In this assignment I will discuss health, HP principles, changing peoples behaviour and attitudes and I will also apply the application of a HP strategy (Beatties model). Beattie (1991) identifies three areas, health persuasion, personal counselling and community development. It also incorporates the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs (KAB model) which helps to support Beaties theories. His model offers a structural analysis of HP approaches. This model involves advice and information that is evidence based, insuring that the correct information is available to the client so she can make an informed choice, as the Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC 2008) stipulates. The KAB model, when applied, concentrates on what makes a person want to change. Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991) discuss the layers of influence on health and its social and ecological theory. They also attempted to link the relationship between the individual, their environment and disease. Individual people are at the centre, with a set of fixed genes. Surrounding them are influences on health that can be changed or modified. The first layer is personal behaviour and ways of living that can promote or damage health. e.g. ones choice to drink alcohol. Individuals are often affected by friendship patterns and their communities. The next layer of Dahlgren and Whiteheads theory is social and community influences, which provide mutual support for members of the community in unfavourable conditions. But they can also provide no support or have a negative effect. The third layer includes structural factors such as housing, working conditions, access to services and provision of essential facilities. Festinger (1957) used the term cognitive dissonance to describe a persons mental state when new information is given. This prompts the person either to reject the new information (as unreliable or inappropriate) or to adapt attitudes and behaviour, which could fit with it. Bradshaws needs also plays a critical role in HP. The schedule of antenatal care is dominated by a medical model. When providing care, the needs of women must be heard and incorporated into their care. Bradshaws needs can be used by midwives and other professionals to identify womens needs in pregnancy. This can lead to the type of healthcare which is more likely to address the social determinants of health and improve health outcomes for pregnant women. Normative Need: As defined by an expert, to be a need that all require. Such as the advised number of antenatal visits. Felt Need: an individual or groups own personal need. Expressed Need: A felt need which turns into an expression for help Comparative need: Comparing the needs of different groups and finding a common occurance. Bradshaws concept has four different types of need: My HP strategy focuses on Bradshaws comparative need. To educate women of 30yrs+ to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy. This is evidence based on research showing the link between alcohol and FAS. HP is a key part of the midwifes role. However, the effectiveness of its practice is often not easily recognisable. The document, Saving Lives-our healthier nation, (DOH 1999), suggests that individuals are not solely responsible for their own ill health. Health professionals i.e. Midwife and the government all play an important part in working towards achieving health for all and reducing inequalities in health and health care provision. The report also states that Healthcare authorities and primary care groups have a responsibility towards public health. (DOH 1999) The Royal College of Midwives (RCM 2000) suggests that maternity care is not just a delivery service. Midwives make a major contribution to family well-being and the wider public health and its contribution is yet to reach its full potential. HP is often used to describe behaviour or actions, which directly or indirectly influence the health of others. This may include preventing ill health, maintaining positive health, raising public awareness of health issues, protecting the public from harm, educating people to make healthy lifestyle choices and reducing inequalities in health and provision of healthcare (Dunkley 2000). HP within midwifery, involves enhancing positive health and reducing the risk of ill health through education. For expectant mothers it is a time of immense psychological and physiological development. During this time the woman acquires a great deal of new and sometimes confusing information from family, friends, magazines and health professionals. Midwifes have a duty of care to inform women about health damaging behaviour where this may occur. They also have a duty to encourage discussion on such topics i.e. alcohol in pregnancy, nutrition and choices of feeding. Following articles written in the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper in February 2010 stating that the Department of Health advice is that women should not drink at all when trying to conceive or when pregnant, but if women do chose to drink they should not have more than one or two units once or twice a week and not drink enough to feel drunk is what inspired my decision to look at Alcohol in pregnancy for this HP. The National Institute on Alcohol and alcoholism (NIAA) clearly states that NO alcohol should be consumed in pregnancy. The Telegraph newspaper in January 2009 reported that OLeary (an Australian scientist) states Women who drink five small glasses of wine during the course of a week in the first three months of pregnancy increase their risk of a premature birth by 70 per cent, even if they stop later. Research from the Infant feeding survey 2005 shows that drinking alcohol socially when pregnant has a higher occurrence in women in the 30-35 year age range and above. The Royal College of Obstetricians and gynaecologists (RCOG) 29th June 2010 stating there is no evidence that a couple of units of alcohol once or twice a week will harm an unborn baby. These contradicting reports led me to research the need for a HP on alcohol consumption in pregnancy. Professor Phillip Steer of the RCOG believes that if women ate and drank a more healthy diet this would result in healthier babies thus a healthier nation. Another specialist, Dr Raja Mukherjee, consultant psychiatrist and expert in foetal alcohol syndrome, stated that if a wealthier woman who has previously consumed wine on a regular basis, continues into her pregnancy, she is in the high risk group. He reports that they are actually putting their babies at risk before they even know they are pregnant, in some cases. Mukherjee (NOFAS) also reported that one of the most severely affected children he has seen, was born after a wealthy woman continued to consume half a bottle of wine 2 to 3 times a week. In my HP plan I wanted to target women in the older age ranges. Using the media to publicise the damage caused by alcohol consumption in pregnancy. My idea constituted a run of billboard posters depicting babies being forced to consume alcohol as well as television advertising. The adverts would be hard hitting with a simple dont drink slogan. The campaign would be called the you drink, I drink campaign. The primary aim would be to stop women drinking alcohol in pregnancy. The secondary aim would be to at least educate and inform women of the concerns related to drinking alcohol. Both aims would hope to have an effect in reducing the cases of fetal alcohol syndrome, currently 1:100, (NOFAS 2010), caused by drinking alcohol in pregnancy. Models have been used in HP for some time, but can they be a part of midwifery? It could be claimed that the unique and individual situations of pregnancy and birth do not lend themselves to categorising women and their needs. Every woman and every pregnancy is different. Could it be possible to apply a standard package of professional care? If midwifery is viewed as a health-promoting activity, then it may be that HP models and approaches can enhance the way that midwives deliver care by developing an agreed research-based framework, which, rather than labelling women, standardize good practice (Crafter 1997). The NHS plan, (NHS 2000), which seeks to develop an NHS that is patient-centred and fit for the 21st. Century, suggests that the role of the midwife should be developed in public health and family well being. Whilst researching my strategy I found that the first reported association between maternal alcoholism and a characteristic pattern of cranio-facial, limb and cardiovascular defects in the offspring was published in The Lancet Saturday 9 June 1973. Since then the results of a large body of research have been published. This is clearly an indication that a new HP aimed at pregnant women is needed! In 1996 the RCOG published a guideline on alcohol consumption in pregnancy. They wrote that there was no conclusive evidence of effects in either growth or IQ at levels of consumption below 120 gms per week. Nonetheless, they recommended that women should be careful about alcohol consumption in pregnancy and limit this to no more than one standard drink (8 gms of alcohol) per day. This disagrees with the recommendations from NICE. Who state that if a woman does decide to drink alcohol, she should drink No more than one or two units, once or twice a week. It is clear that the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy cannot be deemed without risk, however, controversy continues as to whether there is any safe level which women should be advised not to exceed. According to The National Organisation on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS), the medical and scientific literature overwhelmingly supports the hypothesis that there are risks of alcohol related brain damage from drinking low to moderate amounts of alcohol during pregnancy.   Based on these findings, NOFAS position is that there is no safe time, no safe amount, and no safe alcohol during pregnancy. (NOFAS 2007) The obvious way forward is to re-educate women through HP. There are key drivers in health matters such as the National institute of clinical excellence (NICE) and the Acheson Report for the Department of Health, which was a report to contribute to the development of the Governments strategy for health and an agenda for action on inequalities in the longer term. The publication in February 1998 of the consultation paper Our Healthier Nation; a Contract for Health was an important landmark. It identified the need to improve the health of the worst off in society and to narrow the health gap as an overriding principle. (DOH 1998) The report took into account the main features of Our Healthier Nation as they affect inequalities. It discussed tackling inequalities in the settings of schools, the workplace and neighbourhoods. The section on the NHS included an element on the reduction of inequalities through local partnerships taking into account plans for Health Improvement Programmes and Health Action Zones. It also takes into account the changes outlined in the White Paper The New NHS: Modern and Dependable. Whilst developing my HP strategy I looked for current Local and National strategies. The key strategy is that of the National Organisation on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS). They offer an extensive service, including conferences, support group meetings, publications and in particular the Baby Bundle Project. The training for Midwives Project is an initiative of NOFAS-UK to provide useful and positive health information about the consumption of alcohol in pregnancy. Midwives play an important role and can help prevent FASD. Another key strategy is Drinkaware. Drinkaware aims to change the UKs drinking habits for the better. They promote responsible drinking and find innovative ways to challenge the national drinking culture to help reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcohol-related harm. They are an independent, UK-wide charity, who are supported by voluntary donations from across the drinks industry to equip people with the knowledge they need to make decisions about how much they drink. Drinaware also helps tackle alcohol misuse. As well as working with other organisations and individuals across the UK to fulfil the educational, community and awareness campaigning function envisaged in the Governments Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy. They also provide easily accessible, evidence-based information about alcohol and its effects, to employers, young people, teachers, parents and community workers, such as Midwives. They use a range of advertising mediums, such as film, multimedia and TV. Another National strategy is NICE. Their current recommendations on alcohol in pregnancy is that Pregnant women and women planning a pregnancy should be advised to avoid drinking alcohol in the first 3 months of pregnancy if possible, because it may be associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. But as previously discussed they also advise that women planning a pregnancy or in the first 3 months should not drink at all. The negative theory of this is that the government is presuming that all women will know what 8g of alcohol is, or 1.5 units. Should the government be advising women in a more user friendly way? The HP strategy advising women what they should or should not do will fail as not all women will know how much is too much. This creates a concerning risk. The government need to re-address the strategy to be usable by midwives and pregnant women alike. They should be re-thinking ways to educate women as to what a measure of alcohol is. Nice is also adding to the confusion in saying avoid alcohol then expressing that it can be drunk but in moderation. This sends a very confusing message to health promoters and pregnant women. According to NICE it is the responsibility of the midwife to educate their clients in the safe levels of alcohol consumption at their first meeting. At the expectant mothers first visit to the antenatal clinic the midwife should explain how the pregnant woman will be monitored with regular examinations and tests to ensure that the pregnancy is progressing normally. It should also be emphasised that the womans health inevitably influences that of the fetus and can have major impact on health in childhood and later life. Midwives need to advise their clients on what is safe. Would it be safer and clearer to advise all women, all of the time, not to drink alcohol at all? But the midwife would then not be offering the woman informed choice. It is the role of the midwife to offer lifestyle advice and to tell women of the implications of what alcohol consumption can do to a fetus. Then as Beatties model states, its the clients prerogative to choose what their actions are but it is the midwives role to try to encourage a change in previous unhealthy behaviour. During the development of my HP strategy i gained a peer review. (See appendix A). The positive feedback was tremendous. Confirming that I had correctly assessed the need for the target audience to be women aged 30-35 years+ and that a hard hitting advertising campaign was the right route to take. It highlighted the need to define which health models i would use and I decided on Beatties and KAB rather than Tannahill, which is another well know model. Although I did realise the need to decide on a primary and secondary aim for my promotion. The review also highlighted the need to be able to assess the success of this strategy. This would be easily measured by seeing a reduction in babies born with FAS. During antenatal care Midwives impart relevant information in a teaching way, but it is of no value if that teaching is facilitated in a lecturing style. Women wont learn if spoken at. It is not possible to provide an exhaustive coverage of pregnancy, labour, and the postnatal period during a set of 3/4 classes. A childbirth educator can boost her clients self esteem by valuing everyones comments and creating an atmosphere in which learning is a shared experience. The aim of childbirth education, therefore should be to help the women understand the importance (for their mental health) of getting the information they need, and to empower them to ask questions when and of whoever they want. It has been clearly demonstrated that a womans mental health after delivery has been closely linked to the amount of information she received during her labour (Oakley 1980). Health promoters are not always effective at providing information. Hillan (1992) suggests many women feel that there are a variety of ways during an antenatal class to empower women to ask questions of their caregivers. Women can be empowered by the attitude of their teacher. In Beattie (1991) Strategies for HP, he incorporates empowerment as an important aspect of his model to empower individuals to have the skills and confidence to take more control over their health. Analyses of empowerment shows there is a need to distinguish between self-empowerment and community empowerment. Self empowerment is used to describe HP strategies which are based on counselling and which use non-directive, client centred approaches aimed at increasing peoples control over their lives. Midwives frequently engage in client-centred work, as they are concerned with facilitating client autonomy. The client sets the agenda and the health professionals role is facilitating, guiding, supporting and empoweri ng the client to make informed choices (Dunkley 2000). Community empowerment is used to describe a way of working which increases peoples power to change their social reality. It is also a way of working which seeks to create active participating communities who are empowered and able to challenge and change the world about them. This approach helps people identify their own concerns and gain the skills and confidence to act upon them. It is unique as a bottom-up strategy and calls for the different skills from the health promoter (Kendall 1998). The midwife, becomes a facilitator whose role is to act as a catalyst. Carl Rogers has also developed the theory of facilitative learning. The basic premise of this theory is that learning will occur by the educator (in this case, the Midwife) acting as a facilitator, thus establishing an atmosphere in which learners feel comfortable to consider new ideas and are not threatened by external factors. When teaching adults we must be aware of their different learning styles. Adult learners are a very diverse group. Andragogy (the teaching and learning of adults) was first developed by Alexander Knapp in 1833. Then in 1984 Knowles used Knapps theory and expanded on it. Knowles emphasizes that adults are self-directed and expect to take responsibility for decisions. Adult learning programs must accommodate this fundamental aspect. Knowles himself changed his position on whether andragogy really applied only to adults and came to believe that pedagogy-andragogy represents a continuum ranging from teacher-directed to student-directed learning and that both approaches are appropriate with children and adults, depending on the situation. (Knowles 1984) Beattie offers a structural analysis of the HP approaches. He suggests that there are four paradigms for HP. These are generated from the dimensions of mode of intervention which ranges from authoritative (top-down and expert-led) to negotiated (bottom-up and valuing individual autonomy). Most HP work involving advice and information is determined and led by practitioners, or midwives in this case. The work and thoughts of Carl Rogers in the 1960s have been formative in understanding the importance of self-awareness and the experiential learning in helping individuals to understand and make decision. It is therefore important before commencing adult education to examine the structure of the model and look at whom it is aimed at. It is important when working within a team that certain values are shared and made explicit so that the carers can work towards the same goals and the recipients of care can be clear about the standards and outcomes to expect. Developing and working with unified models and approaches in health promotion and midwifery can therefore help midwives to communicate with each other more effectively and strengthen initiatives, which benefit everyone (Crafter 1997). The transition to parenthood is an emotional time for both the pregnant woman and her partner. The shift from marriage or partnership to the first pregnancy is a major transition point in a womens life. It is also the time that HP can have its biggest effect. Women are open to learning new things and hearing from many different sources about whats best for them during this time. A number of studies have suggested and therefore confirm this theory that the most difficult transition for couples to make is the birth of the first child (Cowan Cowan, 1992). All major transitions involve making changes and a period of disequilibrium. A professional career woman may find the whole process out of her control and be left reeling. Motherhood can significantly challenge a womans sense of identity, revealing a tension between personhood and parenthood. Antenatal classes, media, books etc all play a part in acclimatising the woman to her new role. Other outside influences are the social surroundings. Pregnant women from lower or working classes may not feel they have the same support as those from middle or upper class social areas. They may not reach out to areas of support, including what we consider basic antenatal care. Younger mothers may look at parenthood through rose tinted spectacles, imagining their baby will sleep through the night. While the more mature first time mother is more realistic in her outlook. This is where HP again plays an integral part in educating the woman through sources of media, care and through learning in the community. Expectations and theories have changed greatly over the last 40 years. Older mothers are more common as are teenage mothers. Teenage mothers in the 1960s were sent away to discreetly have their babies, now they are a common part of the community with different needs to that of the older mother. HP has to be aimed at all groups all of the time. It is up to the care giver to facilitate this information at the right level for each individual case. Good quality teaching, support and HPs received well, all contribute to the transition to parenthood, thus increasing the confidence of the new parent. After all, it is one of the most vulnerable times in their life. With successful antenatal learning in place this would then enhance the transition to parenthood and that of attachment. Bowlby (1969) devoted extensive research to the concept of attachment, describing it as a lasting psychological connectedness between human beings Proximity Maintenance The desire to be near the people we are attached to. Safe Haven Returning to the attachment figure for comfort and safety in the face of a fear or threat. Secure Base The attachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the surrounding environment. Separation Distress Anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment figure. Bowlby (1969)Bowlby believed that there are four distinguishing characteristics of attachment: These characteristics are learned as children and are what we use when moving from childhood to parenthood. Without a good base we cannot expect new parents to successfully proceed into parenthood without some re-education and the support of quality care givers. In conclusion, the RCM Vision 2000 describes the midwife as a public health practitioner. Midwives have always enhanced, facilitated and supported factors, which promote physical health, psychological, social and spiritual well being for the woman and her immediate family. Some of the key points that should be considered for the future of midwifery HP practice, is that it needs to be clearly defined, national and political recognition of the midwives contribution to public health should be improved and midwives should promote health within the socio-culteral and economic context of how individuals live their everyday lives (Dunkley 2000). Providing antenatal care to woman and fetus demonstrates a unique opportunity to enhance holistic health through advice, guidance, support and social networks where the woman can be offered further specialised care if needed. This assignment has discussed the concept of health and HP, the value of alcohol avoidance and briefly the effects on the pre gnant woman. Beatties and KAB model was used to show the importance that a supportive environment is created in which people can challenge ideas and question beliefs. Beatties model is adaptable and could be applied to many scenarios, the model shows a knowledge of awareness of adult education by provoking a deep understanding of processes and problem solving, and therefore the quality of teaching and the learning process. There are a number of ethical issues involved in parent education. Participants need to be listened to carefully and their questions answered truthfully, which gives a positive effect on the woman and leads to the skills and confidence to take more control over their health.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Is Truth :: essays research papers

What is Truth?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Four values above all are the key to ultimate happiness and contentment and are evident in the first paragraph of 'The Sound of Laughter';. Here it reads: 'My memory when I'm gone will be colorful, rich, full of happiness and light.…they will see a bright smiling picture with trickles of laughter in the background and the chirp of peace echoing throughout my aura.'; Here my value of optimism is shown through being vulnerable to having your heart filled with color, richness, and light. If you can do this it enables you to overcome the nasty demons that destroy such powerful things as optimism and vulnerability. If you hold the capacity to instill such values within yourself you will finally see the truth in the phenomenon that says light always overcomes such demons as darkness and seclusion. To be peaceful is another value I paint by saying '…a bright smiling picture with trickles of laughter echoing throughout the background.'; To be peaceful is to reside where such light is resonated. When you reach such an elevated state of consciousness such light will resonate through you enabling your inner peace be your amour, protector of any outside hurt rising you out of pain. To see beauty is another value I uncover to you by giving you an optional lucid dream. This dream is hinted in the background meanings of descriptive, and almost poetic suggestions like, ';My memory when I'm gone will be colorful, rich and full of happiness and light…they will see a bright smiling picture with trickles of laughter in the background…chirp of peace echoing throughout my aura.'; If you can remain optimistic and peaceful it would only be natural to see the poetic beauty and the movement of the words used for description in the above excerpt because your higher level of consciousness breaks away such chains of fear and hurt and gives you a holy armor. Finally the last hidden value of truth is my final and most important moral value. It rises above the rest because it is the only one that will insure complete an angelic state. It is a universal truth that lives within each of us.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Truth is universally important. Without truth nothing is real, all would be an illusion of lies and fables steering us into the confusion and chaos of a complex mirage. Who is to know what really exists, what is really pure and what is completely uncontaminated by lies?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Discovering a Community in the Projects :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Discovering a Community in the Projects As I was driving through my hometown of Any Town, USA, I began thinking of the community and how it compares to other communities. Then an area of the town caught my eye. It is an area shunned by the citizens who do not live there. It is referred to as the "projects" or low income housing. This area has a bad reputation in the community. The children who live there are thought of as trouble makers, the adults, lazy. However, I noticed something different, something that the "outsiders" seem to neglect. It was neighbors that act like neighbors. The children were playing together and the parents were sharing events with each other. This conversing and playing is something I do not see much of in the other parts of Any Town. In my opinion, this detached housing development was a closer community then all of Any Town. There is closeness between the people who live in those buildings that I have not seen in my own neighborhood. That bond between neighbors is what everyone says we have lost due to computers and other technology. As a result, low-income housing neighborhoods may benefit from not being able to afford things like computers. They benefit because the people of the neighborhood need each other for help, even with things as simple as homework. The richer the parents, the less interested they were in time at home. The poorer they were, the more interested (Snell 28). So these neighborhoods are built around people with low income, yet they prosper because of that. I believe that our society is dying due to computers and other things we now rely on. Things so materialistic as beepers, cell phones, and voice mail have become part of our survival. We do not even have to drop in at home to say hello to our family anymore, we just send a quick e-mail. People who do not rely on these technical things rely on each other for entertainment as the children do by playing together outside, to inform each other of current events, or even to chat face-to-face rather than computer screen-to-computer screen. It is thought that it takes a community to raise a child, and a small community can accomplish that more so than a large one (Nelle 9). The small community within a larger one is able to prosper on its own because it has to, in a sense. Discovering a Community in the Projects :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers Discovering a Community in the Projects As I was driving through my hometown of Any Town, USA, I began thinking of the community and how it compares to other communities. Then an area of the town caught my eye. It is an area shunned by the citizens who do not live there. It is referred to as the "projects" or low income housing. This area has a bad reputation in the community. The children who live there are thought of as trouble makers, the adults, lazy. However, I noticed something different, something that the "outsiders" seem to neglect. It was neighbors that act like neighbors. The children were playing together and the parents were sharing events with each other. This conversing and playing is something I do not see much of in the other parts of Any Town. In my opinion, this detached housing development was a closer community then all of Any Town. There is closeness between the people who live in those buildings that I have not seen in my own neighborhood. That bond between neighbors is what everyone says we have lost due to computers and other technology. As a result, low-income housing neighborhoods may benefit from not being able to afford things like computers. They benefit because the people of the neighborhood need each other for help, even with things as simple as homework. The richer the parents, the less interested they were in time at home. The poorer they were, the more interested (Snell 28). So these neighborhoods are built around people with low income, yet they prosper because of that. I believe that our society is dying due to computers and other things we now rely on. Things so materialistic as beepers, cell phones, and voice mail have become part of our survival. We do not even have to drop in at home to say hello to our family anymore, we just send a quick e-mail. People who do not rely on these technical things rely on each other for entertainment as the children do by playing together outside, to inform each other of current events, or even to chat face-to-face rather than computer screen-to-computer screen. It is thought that it takes a community to raise a child, and a small community can accomplish that more so than a large one (Nelle 9). The small community within a larger one is able to prosper on its own because it has to, in a sense.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Division Classification :: Division Classification

Division Classification: A logical way of thinking that allows us to make sense of a complex world. The institution that what people stated the purpose.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Division-taking a single unit or concept, breaking the unit down into its parts, and then analyzing the connections among the parts and between the parts and the whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Classification-brings two or more related items together and categorizes them according to type or kind. II. How Division-Classification fits your purpose and audience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A) Break the subject into parts as it is easier during prewriting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B) It imposes order to the mixture of ideas during prewriting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C) Helps the writer analyze topics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  D) Helps structurize an essay.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  E) When writing on certain things you divide such as writing about parts, stages, or a process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F) When showing categories use classification. III. Suggestions for using Division-Classification in an essay 1. Select a principle of division-Classification with your purpose.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A) Subjects can be divided according to a number of different principles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B) A single principle of Division-Classification provides the foundation for each major section of the paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C) Division-Classification can use more then one principle. The paper can shift from one principle to another in different parts of the paper. 2. Apply the principle of division classification logically.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A) Take your time while writing division-Classification and other words don’t wait till the last minute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B) be sure to hit every angle of your subject, meaning don’t leave at the obvious.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C) Don’t overlap for example dividing birds you could use the Bald Eagle, but he is almost extinct, so don’t over lap by saying he is a bird plus extinct. 3.Prepare an effective thesis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A) A division-Classification thesis does more then signal the paper’s subject and suggest your attitude the general subject   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B) The thesis can state the principle of division-classification at the heart of the essay.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C) The thesis can reveal which part or category you regard as most important.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  D) It signals the paper’s plan of development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  E) Use specific facts, examples, and details.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dreams and Omens in The Hobbit and Julius Caesar Essay

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien is an adventure story about Bilbo Baggins, who is a mythical creature called a hobbit. Bilbo goes on an adventure with thirteen dwarves and a wizard to capture a treasure from a dragon. Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare is a play about Julius Caesar, a real Roman Emperor who is assassinated by political enemies that he thinks are his friends. These stories are very different, but in both dreams and omens are very important. The dreams in The Hobbit and Julius Caesar are similar because they show what happens if you do not pay attention to what is going on around you and what happens if you do not listen to warnings in dreams. In The Hobbit, when they first get to the cave in the Misty Mountains, the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandolf all look around to see if it is safe. Since they do not find anyone inside, they decide it is ok to sleep there. At first Biblo has a hard time falling asleep. Once he does, he has a bad dream. In his dream, â€Å"a crack in the wall at the back of the cave got bigger and bigger, and opened wider and wider. † After that, â€Å"he dreamed that the floor of the cave was giving way, and he was slipping—beginning to fall down. † When Bilbo wakes up, he sees that part of his dream is actually happening. Their ponies are being lead away through a crack in the cave wall, and soon the same thing happens to the dwarves and Bilbo (Tolkien, 59). Since Biblo had a hard time falling asleep, it seems like he knew something was wrong, but did not know what it was. In the dream though the problem became obvious. Later, Bilbo dreams about black bears dancing around when Beorn and other bears are outside the window having a meeting. Part if this is because J. R. R. Tolkien once said that he made hobbits â€Å"small in size because it reflects the generally small reach of their imaginations—not the small reach of their courage or latent power† (Carpenter, 180). Many of Bilbo’s dreams are not very imaginative. Except the one dream he has were he is looking for something in his house, he usually either dreams of something that is actually happening, like went he dreams of â€Å"a warrior, altogether insignificant in size but provided with a bitter sword and great courage† (215) or he dreams of food because he is very hungry (152). In the play Julius Caesar, Cassius and Brutus are plotting to kill Caesar, but Julius Caesar thinks they are his friends. When they are all standing together, the Soothsayer tells Caesar â€Å"Beware the ides of March† (I. ii. 18). It would be impossible for Caesar to know the day that Cassius and Brutus were going to kill him, but if Caesar were paying more attention, he might have noticed that they were not really his friends and were going to try to overthrow him. One difference in the role of omens and dreams in Julius Caesar and The Hobbit is how the characters react to them. In Julius Caesar people notice the bad omens and dream but ignore them. For example, when the Soothsayer tells Caesar to beware of the ides of March, Caesar tells everyone to ignore him. Also, when Calphurnia tells Caesar she has had a bad dream and he should not leave the house, Caesar first disagrees with her, and then tells her he will stay home. Then when Decius makes fun of him for listening to his wife’s dreams, and says â€Å"that for Caesar to withdraw would make him seem frightened in the eyes of the Roman plebeians, Caesar hurriedly agrees to go to the Senate† (Cahn, 15). When Caesar gets to the Senate, the men there kill him. In The Hobbit, the dreams are different. Either they are like the one Bilbo has in the cave and cannot be ignored, or they are about something that Bilbo and the dwarves can do nothing about, like hunger, and so they have to be ignored. The one time that they do have notice about an omen is when Elrond tells them how to enter the Lonely Mountain. When it is finally time, they do what he told them to do, and get into the secret entrance (209). Dreams and omens are very important in Julius Caesar and The Hobbit because they sometimes show the characters something that they did not realize. In Julius Caesar, the characters have enough notice about what is going to happen, but they ignore the meanings of the dreams and omens and Julius Caesar dies because he does everything they tell him not to do. In The Hobbit, the characters do not usually have enough time to do anything about the dreams because they have them about things that are already happening, but when they do have a chance, they listen to the omen from Elrond and are able to enter the Lonely Mountain. In both books, the omens and dreams are right, and the characters have to decide if they want to follow them. If they do not follow them bad things happen, but if they do, they can be successful. Bibliography Cahn, Victor, The plays of Shakespeare: A Thematic Guide, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press 2003. Carpenter, Humphrey, J. R. R. Tolkien: A Biography, New York: Harcourt Press 2000. Shakespeare, William, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, New York: Penguin 2000. Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit, New York: Ballantine Books 1996.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Does fair play have an important role in competitive sport Essay

From the time of gods and goddesses, they have been competing in friendly sports and throughout time, it evolved into sports and even Olympics. From the time that sports were invented, the concept of fair play or sportsmanship was not yet apparent. But when sports were finally considered of great importance, the concept of fair play became universally understood. Basically, fair play is sportsmanship. For some, both players and audiences alike, consider it as the â€Å"golden rule† in sports. In fair play, you treat your team mates and opponents as someone you would like to be treated as. You show respect for yourself, your team mates, and your rivals. You should also demonstrate respect for both coaches of the opposing teams and other important figures in the field like the umpires, judges and other officials. (Sanders, 2005) But in modern times, it does not only apply to the players; consequently, it now also applied to the people watching the game. It now developed into an attitude that may influence the players, audiences and the game. (Sanders, 2005) In every sport, there is always a loser and a winner. But, the greatness of the game relies on how the players played the sport. And consequently, their sportsmanship should also be apparent in their game. It is undeniable that winning feels great but being a sport has a great role in a winner’s game. It can make or break a game. Today, when sports become an alley for talented players to become superstars, the spirit of sports become plagued. In retrospect, we have to keep in mind that being a sport has its advantages—and winning the game is one of it. While playing, playing fair not only helps to win a game but it also builds character. With the help of the coach, the athletes can reach their highest potential and so, they become better players and human beings. (Fakehany) Since sportsmanship is an attitude, it also teaches valuable lessons and builds character to a person. It has become a way of life both in and out of the field. And these very same attitudes help a person to be ready not just in the court but also outside (i. e. corporate life). How we play a game makes us introspective in a sense that it assists us to re-evaluate ourselves and reflect on our behaviors. www. yogiberramuseum. org, 2005) Sportsmanship is also vital so as not have massive brawls and misunderstanding in a competition. Fair play creates a friendly atmosphere wherein athletes can really enjoy the game from the beginning until the end. Unconsciously, it creates the mood of the entire game and it lessens the tendency of the players to have arguments. It makes both the opposing teams feel as if that they are not competing at all but more of a friendly competition. Peak) Research analysts have also done studies wherein it supports that indeed, fair play is a factor to win or how the team approaches the game. Apologists of sports say reiterate that fair play is a great way to avoid addiction and violence. For them, it is a mere socialization of the players with one another. And thus, it implies that because of fair play, players have more blissful and energetic strategy as compared with players who does not have a sense of sportsmanship. (GA. , 2005) Earlier, we have said that winning is a big part of a game. But definitely, there are always two sides in a story. Generally, competitors view winning as unimportant but the more aggressive view is that, it is the only thing. And, the main reason why we compete in a sport is to ultimately win the game. We usually strive to win. This very same reason makes us ponder why fair play plays an important role in a competitive sport. Firstly, when we want to compete, we assume that our competitor will also give his/her one hundred percent and they will also strive to win. And to eventually win the game, both of you will give your best. When we give your best, alongside with it comes all your athletic ability and might hoping that in the end, you will be successful. This is the mere essence of competition and sports—to win—but more importantly, to play the game fair. (Feigley, 2007) This philosophy is vice versa—for the player to win, he must give his best so that his best will let him win. Additionally, when both players give their best efforts, there will always be another chance where the two of you will meet again. This will be an advantage on both parts because through this, you now both know the strengths and weaknesses of each other. And because of this, both of the players can now plan their strategies so that they can beat the opponent next time they meet. And in so doing, they can also improve their skills and sports. In conjunction with such, the player must play fair so that both can give their best efforts that will eventually give them a sense of satisfaction. Also, as mentioned above, playing fair is also a form of socialization. When we enter into a competition, we should also bear in mind that after every after game, there will always be another chance wherein the two of you will meet again. It will also be an advantage to know your opponent not just on the court but more so, personally. You cannot just discuss your strategies but also, you can also create camaraderie, connections and friendships. This is an advantage for both players because you not only gave the audience what they are craving for; but also, it also shows that you can be defeated gracefully, which is commendable in the audiences point of view. Being a sport also gives the player a sense of â€Å"self-improvement†. Further elaborated, when the player becomes the loser, this gives him a lesson that he should constantly improve his sport or craft so that next time, he will win. Now, in view point of the winner, this does not mean that he should always be confident in his abilities. He should also be constantly honing his talent because there will always be someone out there that is better than him that might outshine him one day. Fair play serves as a constant reminder for both the player to always sharpen their respective craft to improve themselves and consequently, achieve their primary goal—which is, to win. Now, like mentioned from above, fair play does not only apply to the player. It should also apply to the other people that are prominent in a game like the coaches and other officials. There is no denying that coaches are a huge factor to develop a character and sense of sportsmanship of a player. They serve as the primary teacher which teaches us to be not just great players but also, as the ones that we take our basic course in sports. Now, since they are considered as the first teachers, it is inevitable that they should also serve as role models for players. Players should not be treated as the only stars in the game. The coaches and officials should also be a sport. This does not only break the rule of being a â€Å"teacher’ but also, it conforms to the notion of fair play. Coaches should also be able to accept winning and defeat gracefully. This does not only generate respect from the audience but more importantly, they also earn the respect of their fellow coaches and officials. And when they have already earned that respect, they should also learn to repay it to their players. With every lesson or new technique or strategy that they teach their players, it should also be accompanied with the constant lesson that the players should also learn how to be humble, or, in other words, be a sport. The whole concept of fair play will not be complete without being empathetic with the audiences. We have seen in televisions how the audiences react whenever their favorite soccer team makes a goal. The audiences should also have a proper etiquette whenever they watch their favorite team play. More often than not, audiences get too excited for their teams and eventually, it causes chaos in more ways than one. The audience should also have a concept of fair play so that there will be no casualties (both physical and egoistical) in the end. Just like their idols, they should also learn to accept defeat gracefully and understandingly. The concept of fair play or sportsmanship has been a â€Å"golden rule† in the world of sports ever since time in memoriam. Basically, it only states that players should show respect and should be fair in following the rules of the game. Not only should it apply for the players but also, for the coaches, officials and the audiences as well. Practicing fair play plays a great role in winning a game because it becomes a part of the whole game itself. Being fair implies a big responsibility not just for the players but also for the coaches, officials and the audiences as well. In playing fair, the player can re-evaluate his abilities and the strategies that he is employing if ever he losses a game. But this does not mean that the winner should now be always confident; he should rather practice more so as to hone his skills and so that, he can maintain his winning streak. Also, being fair builds camaraderie amongst players. For some, it is a form of socialization. Not only does it create friendships but also, it can also be a foundation of connections and a little bit of fame. Still, in a player’s point of point of view, it builds character. Generally, in sports, the coaches are considered as the first teachers of the athletes. They are the ones that should be responsible for how players behave and carry out the game. More importantly, they are the ones that sportsmanship should be highly visible because after all, they are the ones that created great, responsible and humble players. They should also know how to accept defeat gracefully because after all, in every game, there is always a winner and a loser. This should also be true for the officials because it is in their hands that the whole flow of the game lies. Also, they are considered as the â€Å"big boss† in a game and consequently, they can serve as a door for opportunities and a great entertainment for the audience. Lastly, to make this whole philosophy be holistic, it should also apply with the audiences. Around the world, there have been hundred reports that a simple game between two rival soccer teams causes many casualties and even suspensions for both teams. Audiences should know how to act properly in a game and should not be over excited regarding their respective teams. They should practice the concept of sportsmanship so that everything will be fair. In conclusion, the concept of sportsmanship has long been around and it is practiced since time in memoriam. It is an unwritten wherein it can save or break a game (or in some cases, even players and managers). Since it is a rule, it should be respected; but there are also situations where it has been violated and the violators have paid their price. To break it down, it is just a simple rule but pertains a heavy load of responsibility and consequences. And these consequences are downright heavy so it is will be much better for the players to just practice this philosophy so as not to get their selves into a big trouble and maybe one day, save their lives.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

My First School Memories

My first memory of school is the first day of primary school. It is my first day without the toys and a dress with a nice style. Primary school was far larger than my small kindergarten had been. It was a nice day, with hope and happiness and a lot of fun. I pretended to be a good kid, sitting on my seat carefully. Listening to the teacher, a kind beautiful woman called Miss Zhou talking softly to us.I observed the small tables and the small chairs change into the desks, without the colors; the piano in the classroom had disappeared, the big screen and the computer is in the front of the classroom. Suddenly, a girl with a Snow White style dress was pushed into the classroom, crying loudly, by her grandparents, and made the classroom’s serious mood become funny. The teacher gave us a card with our name and gave us some stickers for the prices. I thought, †It is just like our kindergarten. † Then, the teacher brought us to look around the school.  Like read about m emories? Read also  Flashbulb memory!It was an interesting trip, though it’s was tiring. The feeling of the new place and new life is the most valuable thing. Though lunch began later than the kindergarteners’, and there was no teacher to give us rice and soup, the lunch was still delightful. We can have an adventure in the school after lunch, though at that time we were not familiar with each other, but we still played happily and found some interesting places like the small garden to hide behind the teaching building and the sandy land beside the bike shed.I remember Angle saying that the small shells in the sand were put there by her. We had lessons in the afternoon; the textbooks were new, not like the old fairy tales books on the shelf in kindergarten. With the smiles and laughs, we left our school. This is my first school memory, it is full of new things and happiness, when I think about my first day in school, I feel that day is one of the most interesting thi ngs happened in my life.

An Epic Hero: Beowulf Essay

Beowulf is an epic from the Anglo-Saxon period about a hero who takes on extreme challenges. The main character, Beowulf, embodies the virtues of the Anglo-Saxon culture and beliefs. He also embodies the traits of the Anglo-Saxon society: strength, bravery, honor, and the want and need to help others around them. Beowulf is faithful to his word and shares any and all of his winnings and gifts that he has received. His being faithful to his oaths links him to the Anglo-Saxons. Beowulf makes an oath to kill Grendel and he does (page 37). After Grendel is killed, the people tell Beowulf of Grendel’s mother and he tells them he will have her dead as well and indeed he does (page 41). Anglo-Saxons are very generous when it comes to sharing their wealth. Hrothgar offers treasure and gold to Beowulf in exchange for the death of Grendel’s mother (page 39). Wiglaf speaks of how Beowulf gave him and the warriors gold and other gifts, so they in turn should help Beowulf defeat the dragon and defend their leader (page 47). In order for Beowulf to be like the Anglo-Saxons, he would have to have these characteristics and he did. Beowulf made allegiances between leaders, but relied on fate a lot which is exactly the trait of an Anglo-Saxon. His reliance on fate was a big rise for him, but when he faced the dragon fate was no longer on his side. Before the dragon, Beowulf believed that if he was given a task then fate would make it so. For example, he says, â€Å"†¦ death was my errand and the fate they had earned† (lns 158-159). At the end of Beowulf’s speech to the king, he exclaims, â€Å"Fate will unwind as it must! † (line 189) which shows how he relies on fate. The allegiances he made helped him look better by giving him more fame. After Beowulf’s speech to the king, Hrothgar replied, â€Å"No one strange to this land has ever been granted what I’ve given you, no one in all the years of my rule. Make this the best of all mead-halls yours, and then keep it free of evil, fight with glory in your heart! Purge Herot and your ship will sail home with its treasures full† (lns 385-391). With that, Hrothgar finally decides to allow Beowulf and his men to take down Grendel. Beowulf’s allegiances and beliefs embody the traits of the Anglo-Saxons. Love of fame, pride, and boastfulness are the downside to the Anglo-Saxon characteristics and Beowulf holds all three of these traits inside of himself. His pride and boastfulness is what intimidates others to keep them thinking that he is better than them and no one could beat him and Beowulf lets everybody know it. When Unferth challenges Beowulf, Beowulf replies boastfully on how there is nobody that swims in the sea like him and how nobody is as strong as he is (page 30). Beowulf later goes on to tell a tale of him and a friend, â€Å"He could never leave me behind, swim faster across the waves than I could, and I had chosen to remain close to his side† (lns 274-276). His love of fame and success is not uncommon among the Anglo-Saxon culture. Beowulf loves to hear his success stories, so he tells about how he â€Å"drove five great giants into chains† and â€Å"chased all of that race from the earth† (lns 153-155). These downside characteristics are the values of an Anglo-Saxon. Beowulf has inside of him all of the traits and characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon people. This epic hero is a perfect example of the Anglo-Saxon values. These traits, good and bad, are what make up Beowulf as well as the Anglo-Saxon society.